A new and exciting initiative dedicated to helping ESDM (Electronics System Design and Manufacturing) startups grow and succeed

Electronics manufacturing has become one of the fastest-growing industries, making India a hub for sub-contract manufacturing and bringing global markets in like no other. IESA aims to build the ESDM business segment in India and make it the electronics and semiconductor design and production hub.

We at IESA startup Mitra are trying to create a healthy environment that encourages innovation, cooperation, and long-term progress in the ESDM sector. By connecting entrepreneurs with helpful resources and expert advice, we empower them to turn their innovative startup ideas into successful businesses that drive technological progress and economic growth.

Why Do You Need Startup Mitra?

Why Do You Need Startup Mitra?

The ESDM sector is a cornerstone of modern innovation, driving progress across industries. Navigating the complexities of entrepreneurship in this domain can indeed be quite challenging. Additionally, navigating the vast landscape of available resources and opportunities can be overwhelming.

Startup Mitra addresses this need by offering a dedicated platform that bridges the gap between your innovations and the resources you need to succeed. We recognize the potential of startups to fuel economic growth, and we are committed to providing the necessary support to turn ideas into thriving businesses.

Objective Of The Initiative

The primary objective of IESA Startup Mitra is to create a nurturing ecosystem that drives ESDM startups towards sustainable success. Whether you are looking for funding opportunities, mentorship programmes, networking events, or access to industry experts, Startup Mitra is here for you!


Encouraging Innovation

Creating an environment that supports innovative thinking and creative problem-solving to grow a culture of innovation.


Empowering Entrepreneurs

Giving you the tools, advice, and networks you need to turn your ideas into a business you can make money from.


Driving Collaboration

Creating connections between abouts, mentors, investors, and industry experts to encourage teamwork and shared learning.


Fuel Economic Growth

We believe ESDM startups can drive economic growth by creating jobs, gaining, investments, and helping the industry grow.


Features of Startup Mitra

  • Unlocking Funding Opportunities
  • Access to Government Schemes
  • Personalized Guidance and Support
  • Explains ESDM Sector Challenges and Opportunities
  • Enhance Learning Opportunities
  • Connect With Entrepreneurs, Potential Clients, Investors, and Industry Influencers.

How Will IESA’s Startup Mitra Operate?

Startup Mitra operates through a structured approach:



IESA's Startup Mitra will offer mentoring services to aspiring entrepreneurs. This involves providing guidance, advice, and expertise to help startups navigate the challenges of building a business.


Government Scheme Assistance

Startup Mitra will conduct qualification checks to determine eligibility for various schemes. We will serve as a helpline for startups seeking to leverage government programmes.


Process Handholding

Startup Mitra will extend support to startups as they initiate the process of benefiting from government schemes. This handholding approach aims to help startups overcome any hurdles,ensuring a smooth and successful journey.


Disbursal Facilitation

The primary objective of IESA's Startup Mitra is to help startups obtain government disbursements. By offering ongoing help and solving problems, the platform will work to make sure that startups get the money they are entitled to under the appropriate government programmes.

Incentive Schemes For ESDM Startups

The governing body sees that ESDM startups are important for driving technological and economic growth for the country. Several ministries and departments have introduced incentives and schemes to provide financial support to startups, MSMEs, and registered KESDM companies. The listed incentives and schemes cover the details, including objectives, eligibility criteria, application processes, and benefits.

Companies involved in Information Technology, Biotechnology, Electronic System Design and Manufacturing, Animation, Gaming, Visual Effects, and comics are eligible to register with the Karnataka Innovation and Technology Society (KITS). To avail the incentives and concessions, register yourself.

Sl. No Incentive Schemes and Forms Details
1 Capital Subsidy For KESDM Companies Download Here
2 Exemption From Stamp Duty Download Here
3 Interest Subsidy Schemes For KESDM Startups and MSMEs Download Here
4 International Marketing Incentive Download Here
5 Patent Registration Incentive Download Here
6 PF/ ESI Incentive for KESDM Startups and MSMEs Download Here
7 Power Tariff Concession Download Here
8 R&D Grant For KESDM Companies Download Here
9 Reimbursement of Land Conversion Fee Download Here
10 Reimbursement of Prototyping Costs For KESDM Startups and MSMEs Download Here
11 Reimbursement of Quality Certification Costs For KESDM Startups and MSMEs Download Here
12 Subsidy For Setting up ETP Download Here
13 Concessional Registration Charges Download Here

Are you ready to take your ESDM venture to soaring heights?

Becoming a part of IESA's Startup Mitra, where you'll join other forward-thinkers and pioneers who have found direction, is now more exciting than ever. This as a platform opens the door to a world full of opportunities. With ample support, resources, and connections, your startup has the potential to push boundaries and reshape what you thought was achievable.

focus area

Fuel Your Ambitions

At Startup Mitra, funding is more than just a business deal; it is a sign that you have potential. Discover funding options, from grants to investments to partnerships that exceed expectations.

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Curate Your Expertise

Immerse yourself in continuous learning and curate your expertise through engaging workshops, insightful webinars, and events that keep you up-to-date with industry trends, positioning you at the forefront of your field.

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Guidance from Experts

Use the guidance of knowledgeable mentors and advisors to navigate uncharted territory. These industry experts are your guiding compass, helping you navigate challenges and make informed decisions based on their wealth of experience.

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Step into the Spotlight

Watch your startup shine on the recognition stage. Our platform showcases your journey, catching the eye of industry leaders, potential clients, and investors who champion promising ventures.

For More Information, Email Us at [email protected]